These symptoms are not in your head, your body is sounding the alarm...
And you can get your thyroid on track again.

The scale keeps creeping up and you seem to gain weight for no apparent reason - even if you load your plate with veggies. How frustrating.. And going to the gym? Some days its so far-fetched because you have zero energy, just walking the dog seems like a big to-do.
And the brain fog is something else… you feel thankful that you remember your own name at times.
The mom guilt hits you hard because you feel so out of it, its hard to really be present. Sometimes you just feel like a zombie and it’s hard to predict what your mood will be from one day to the next. Your hair looks thinner and there’s so much shedding, you feel like you need to keep a dust buster in the bathroom.
Every day revolves around how your stomach feels. And by the evening, you have to throw on sweatpants to fit your bloated belly. More embarrassingly, your gas is out of control.
Your body can feel like it’s 80 years old even though you’re still in your prime. With being so tired, you would think you can sleep like a baby, but you find yourself awake and it's hard to get a good night’s rest and the cycle just starts all over again the next day.
It's no wonder you feel low, lost and hopeless.
Nobody understands what you’re struggling with or just how debilitating it can be.
The internet and your doctors are giving you conflicting information and all you want is someone to reassure you there is a solution to all this madness.
You’re not alone, these symptoms are not in your head and no, you are not a hypochondriac and you are not crazy.
You deserve to be heard, acknowledged, and understood.
You wish you could just go about your day without worrying about aches and pains, taking medication, wanting to nap, or plan an impromptu day out without stressing about how you will feel.
Your body is rebelling against you but it is doing so to tell you that something is off.
This doesn’t mean you’ll be resigned to a life of symptoms and doctor’s appointments though.
NO ONE can truly understand you unless they've experienced it.
And, TRUST ME, I've walked a marathon in your shoes.
In my early 20’s, I had a glamorous career on Wall Street, but my life was much different than what you would expect of someone that should be living it up in New York City.
I was so tired all the time and had terrible brain fog. The state of my stomach determined my mood for the day. I couldn’t make plans too far ahead because I didn’t know if I’d have PMS or a migraine. My self-esteem was in a downward spiral thanks to my acne, as if I was going through puberty again.
I started with my primary but she told me all my labs were normal and could not understand why I was feeling this way. I saw a gastroenterologist who told me I had IBS and will likely have to "live with it". I saw a neurologist for the headaches who told me I needed
to exercise more, but I was so tired I just didn't have the energy to go to the gym. I saw a dermatologist for my acne who gave me antibiotics but all that did was give me a yeast infection for which I had to go see a gynecologist.
I wasn’t getting anywhere. I felt disconnected. None of my doctors were speaking to each other or seeing if my symptoms were even related.
Instead my doctors questioned my persistent symptoms and asked if they were in my head.
I felt sick, angry, upset and completely lost.

I felt abandoned by medicine and slighted by doctors
But mostly, I felt betrayed by my body - I blamed myself because it seemed like everyone else was.
However, I knew my symptoms were related. More doctor’s appointments later, I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.
I was actually excited to have a diagnosis because I was sick and tired of hearing that there was nothing wrong. However, my doctor told me that since my actual thyroid labs were “normal'' there was nothing I could do for the Hashimoto’s.
Instead I’d have to live with my symptoms until the Hashimoto’s would eventually destroy my thyroid because that is what Hashimoto’s does and then (and only then) I’d be on lifelong medication. Oy!
As you can imagine, this is not what I wanted to hear and deep down knew that the mystery hadn’t been solved.
Then, I stumbled upon a website for a naturopathic doctor and a functional nutritionist. I realized that other people with Hashimoto’s suffered with my symptoms too. I wasn’t alone and I wasn’t crazy.
For the first time in years, I had hope.
After functional lab tests, I discovered I had several bacterial infections, chronic viruses, heavy metals, various deficiencies and hormone imbalances that were all triggers for Hashimoto’s and even though my original doctor said my thyroid was fine, it actually wasn’t and I had subclinical hypothyroidism.
All of this was related and was creating my symptoms, but even more exciting, they all had a solution.
The relief was incredible. Finally I could get my old life back and see the woman that had been there but was pushed down by all of my symptoms.
Once I started supporting my underlying issues (and boy did I have many!), my body started to cooperate. My brain fog lifted, the chronic headaches went away, my IBS subsided, fatigue disappeared and the acne cleared up.I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be healthy and live a normal life.
And then I made it my mission to help others solve their health mysteries and I gave up my career on Wall Street.
For over 17 years, I’ve been a certified clinical nutritionist practicing a functional approach to health. And I’ve helped thousands of people take back control of their lives and solve their thyroid mysteries.
A truly comprehensive, science-based and personalized step-by-step roadmap for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's.

“Thanks to Inna, I have more energy and sleep better
I’ve struggled with my thyroid for 15 years, experiencing low energy, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. My doctor’s answer was to tweak my medication dosage, but that never seemed to help. I realized that there was so much more to uncover and I couldn’t figure it out on my own. I needed to find someone who looked for the root cause of my issues, not just try to patch them up.
That’s when I found Inna. At first, I felt scared to jump into the functional health world because I didn’t understand it - even though the approach made sense. Inna’s caring nature and confidence quickly settled me down. I knew she was the right person to help me get to the bottom of what was going on, and to feel better. She provides such helpful information and explains complicated things so simply. She taught me how to interpret my results and helped me uncover what was going on.
Now I feel amazing! So grateful for everything she’s done for me.”
- Lori
It's not just about if you have a slow thyroid but about the TYPE of slow thyroid that it is.
Thyroid is NOT a one size fits all approach and therefore not all hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s is addressed the same way.
We will go over how your thyroid is connected to everything in your body, how to properly understand it, the testing that you need and why (and if your doctor won’t run it I will help you get it done).
Together we will then figure where your issue lies.
Wave goodbye to conflicting and confusing information and doctor’s appointments that leave you frustrated and even more confused.
Yes you may have found Dr. Google. But even if you had the time and the energy to sift through countless hours of research, read 100’s of books, watch online summits, it can still be extremely confusing to know what to do for you specifically.
And now you don’t have to do any of that because everything you need to balance your thyroid is here.
Combining my personal struggles along with my clinical experience, I created the exact formula you need to solve your thyroid mystery.

PART 1: Master Your Thyroid
Understand why your thyroid is rebelling against you with fluff-free explanations that are easy to understand.
MODULE 1: Your Thyroid Journey
No one else can truly understand you unless they’ve been in your shoes. My many years of medical training and my own struggle with Hashimoto’s means I’m the best expert to help you overcome your issues, like I have.
- Uncover the diagnosis behind my own thyroid symptoms
- Why there’s so much misunderstanding around the thyroid
- Map your thyroid’s progress through the program and chart your changes
MODULE 2: Understanding Your Thyroid
Finally get the answers you’ve been searching for by learning how your symptoms could actually be caused by your thyroid.
- Understand how the thyroid works (in a way your doctor has never explained) so you can be your own health advocate
- Learn the 4 major triggers that can cause your immune system to get confused
- Understand even the most complicated medical terms with my simple explanations
MODULE 3: Misdiagnosed Or Missed?
Understand why you might have been misdiagnosed and given conflicting advice by conventional doctors.
- The key reason why your thyroid issue may be undiagnosed
- Why Hashimoto’s is a two fold approach and which to to do first
- Learn the redefined normal ranges as well as optimal ranges
MODULE 4: Be Your Own Health Advocate
In this module, you will see why the traditional approach rarely works and what works instead
- What blood work you need and why
- Optimal ranges for each lab and how they vary from conventional lab ranges
- Alternative options for testing if your doctor isn’t willing or able to test
- Learn to interpret your blood work so you will not need to rely on anyone
MODULE 5: The Skinny On All The Thyroid Support Available
Be informed and feel empowered by understanding your choices when it comes to the different support available.
- A detailed breakdown of the thyroid medications and the natural support available so you can make proper decisions.
- Learn if your medication is right for you

MODULE 6: Create Lasting Change
Tackle The Thyroid From All Angles
- Support your mindset so this course isn’t left in your course graveyard
- Wire yourself for success by uncovering thoughts, past experiences and beliefs that might be holding you back from moving forward
- Create your own health dream and journey
MODULE 7: The Whole Body Approach To Thyroid
- Learn how the thyroid works with the rest of your body and how to address it
MODULE 8: Identify Your Own Thyroid Type
- Interpret your blood work, what your results mean and get your own thyroid type.
- Based on that, you’ll be guided to your own personalized module where I walk you through your own step-by-step action plan to finally resolve your issues.
Everything you need to know is right here so you can quickly understand and take action.
Mind and body
Your thyroid is connected to your whole body so we need to approach it from all angles.
- Recognize the emotional connections to your symptoms and learn exactly how to address them
- Exercise effectively so you lose weight but without hurting your thyroid
- Uncover and resolve underlying thoughts and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck
- Rethink stress management with easy tools that will make a big difference for your thyroid
Additional testing
If your case is even more complex, I will guide you so you can even take it a whole step further.
- 3 additional tests that can help you get even more answers
- Ways you can work with your current doctor to get to the next level (ideas that your doctor probably hasn’t offered)

My Success Rate Is Sky High
Because I combine my top strategies from my practice coupled with specific mindset tactics
Together, they yield the best results
With my devotion to solving health mysteries and my proven success rate, I now have such a long wait list I am no longer able to take on new clients.
With this course, you get access to the exact solutions I use with my current one on one clients AND for a fraction of the cost.
Get this comprehensive course, personalized for you, for less than the cost of just ONE consultation with me
AND... you will have direct support from me with biweekly LIVE Q+A's!

The thyroid affects the whole body. And even though you might be experiencing the same symptoms as someone else, your issues likely stem from different places.
In Thyroid Mystery Solved, you’ll see exactly where your issues lie and get a plan on exactly how to address them.
Thyroid Mystery Solved is the fastest and most inexpensive way to get you back in control! Balance your thyroid and immune system and resolve your symptoms.

When you sign up for this course you get so much
Let me show you what it would cost if you bought these separately:

or 4 payments of $399
- Comprehensive + personalized roadmap to solving your thyroid
- Fluff-free information to help you get your life back on track faster
- 1 30-minute call with our lead dietitian, plus access to our stellar customer service team for any questions that come upÂ
- Tailored meal plans + recipes optimized for your thyroid type and specific needs
- Customized mindset techniques to expedite your success
- Lifetime access to the most up-to-date thyroid research + solutions

“When I discovered Inna, she understood.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 13 years ago. But even though I had a diagnosis, it wasn't being treated properly. My brain fog was really bad, and the fatigue was debilitating. By 3pm, I would be laying on the couch with a migraine, unable to take care of my two children. I couldn’t understand why I was so tired. I was in my early 30s and felt twice my age.
Each doctor I went to added something that I needed to work on. My diet. Supplements. Drink less coffee but it didn't help. I knew something was wrong, and I needed to dig deeper.
Inna helped me with an approach for me. Now I’ve completely changed my diet and addressed my triggers based on her guidance, my symptoms have gotten so much better. I’m a busy mom of 3 and feel like I can cope again.
My body feels normal again.”
- Jennifer -
Your extensive research will only get you halfway there
I know...
You’ve been battling your body for years, and desperately searching for answers.  From hours of reading, Googling, and listening to summits and podcasts.Â
You’ve done it all Â
And because of that, you’ve got a great foundation of knowledge and information. Â
But those books and lectures still don’t have the ability to put together all the information you need in such a comprehensive way.Â
 Nobody else combines addressing your thyroid type, diet, personalized supplements, detox support and the mind body connection and nervous system in one place
While personalizing it all for you
to then share with your doctor

Thyroid Mystery Solved combines your individual biochemistry plus your emotional connections for a complete approach.
Without looking at everything and personalizing, its hard to get complete results and likely why you’ve not seen a complete resolution before. I can understand you may still be apprehensive - I mean, nothing has worked for you before, right?
So if you go through the course and don’t feel like it will help you, you get your money back.
If you watch the comprehensive content but don’t feel hopeful that it will help, we’ll give you a full refund. I mean it, no questions asked. Simply email my team within 14 days of purchase and we’ll process your refund.
Comprehensive + personalized roadmap to solving your thyroid
Fluff-free information to help you get your life back on track faster
1 30-minute call with our lead dietitian, plus access to our customer service team for any questions that come upÂ
Tailored meal plans + recipes optimized for your thyroid type and specific needs
Customized mindset techniques to expedite your success
Lifetime access to the most up-to-date thyroid research + solutions
Thyroid Mystery
Solved will give you the answers you’re looking for EVEN IF....
It’s easy to feel frustrated when your providers aren’t listening to you or seem interested in helping you find answers. You might even feel like the medical industry has failed you, I know I did. But your symptoms can be balanced with the right approach.Â
You are probably wondering how you can even manage a course when you already have so much going on and some days you can barely peel yourself off the couch. Well, I condensed my years of training into the only information you need to know right now. It’s 10 hours of targeted information and easily digestible content to help you take back control of your life one step at a time.
I believe every symptom can be solved with the right approach. So let’s make sure we are testing everything we need to in order to fully understand what is going on and unravel your health mystery.Â
You impress me every day, you're a rebel and a fighter
The fact that you’re still going even though you have felt lost and alone is incredible. You should be so proud of yourself.
Even after your doctors dismiss you and blame YOU for your problems, you’re still determined to find answers.
Even though you feel misunderstood, you’re not ready to give up yet.
And I’m not going to give up on you either.
I hear you, I feel you, I get you!

If you think you need another approach, well... you probably do
You’re smart and you’ve done extensive research about your symptoms. So if your gut is telling you something is still going on, then you’re probably right.
Listen to itÂ
Conventional doctors are trained to prescribe medication to ease symptoms of illness or disease instead of searching for the root cause. Unfortunately, the medical system is set up in a way where they are not trained to search for answers. But in a functional medicine approach, we understand that every person is unique.
I have a science-backed, whole body approach to solving your thyroid issues. No stones are left unturned, you can rebalance your body from the inside out.
There IS an answer to the challenge you are facing. You just haven't found the right person to help you face it ...YET
Taking back control of your health, life, and thyroid starts here
When you enroll in Thyroid Mystery Solved, you are going to feel that immediate sense of relief that you are in control. A step in the right direction and towards finally getting answers.
Thyroid Mystery Solved will end years of you feeling alone, misunderstood, and soaking up conflicting information.Â
You can get your life back and feel energized, fulfilled, happy, and, most importantly, healthy.Â
I know that even just having someone in your corner will give you peace of mind that you are being taken seriously.Â
 Even if you think you’ll never feel normal again.Â
So it’s time to take back control of your health.
How Much Will It Cost You To Do Nothing? Â
- A snowball effect as your health declines
- Low energy or feeling like your energy is used quickly and on low-impact tasksÂ
- Increased despair and frustration from inconsistent information and lack of answersÂ
- Feeling like you’re alone and nobody understandsÂ
- Blaming yourselfÂ
- Feeling like your body is betraying you
I know how hard it is to suffer while doctors are dismissing you and your loved ones don’t understand your pain and I don't want you to have to live with this for another second!
ENROLL TODAYRemind me what’s included in the Thyroid Mystery Solved?
I’ve never worked with anyone outside of conventional medicine, what is a functional approach?
I’ve not been diagnosed with thyroid problems
Providers haven’t taken me seriously before, will you?
Is there a return policy?
How can I be my own advocate?
Who is this course for?

Your health is like a puzzle, there's always a solution
I truly believe that we can figure out any problem. And the relief you'll feel when you uncover an answer, there's no better feeling.
You don't need to be feeling this way. Together we can figure this out.
- Comprehensive + personalized roadmap to solving your thyroid
- Fluff-free information to help you get your life back on track faster
- 1 30-minute call with our lead dietitian to answer your questions, plus access to our customer support team for any additional questions that come up along the wayÂ
- Tailored meal plans + recipes optimized for your thyroid type and specific needs
- Customized mindset techniques to expedite your success
- Lifetime access to the most up-to-date thyroid research + solutions